Appearance: Plums are noted for their eye catching appearance due to the striking contrast of a rich dark skin and vibrant, red flesh.
Taste: Firm, sweet flesh with the crisp, refreshing flavor of berry concentrated in the skin.
Harvest: Beginning of June to end of August.
Black Plums with yellow flesh
Appearance: These Plums have a uniform dark crimson color speckled with gold and light colored flesh that varies between white and amber.
Taste: Firm, sweet and pleasantly refreshing fruit.
Harvest: End of June to end of September.
Red Plums
Appearance: Plums of an attractive red color that ranges from dark pink to burgundy, flecked with gold and with bright orange-yellow flesh.
Taste: Plums of delicate and fragrant pulp, juicy and very sweet. For many, the flavor champions among all the plums.
Harvest: From the end of May to the middle of September.
Yellow Plums
Appearamce: Soft, sweet flesh with a light refreshing flavor.
Taste: Delicate pulp and sweet taste, subtly refreshing.
Harvest: Middle of June to end of August.
Late Plums
Appearance: A uniform black colored fruit with yellow flesh.
Taste: Soft, sweet flesh with a light refreshing flavor.
Harvest: Beginning of September to middle of November.